It’s official: I am working on a trip from Tampa all the way up to Fargo, ND (and then further to Bismark) on my Vulcan S during the summer of 2020 2021. All told it will be close to 5000 miles and by far the longest trip I have taken to date.

I am headed up to see friends that I haven’t seen since college and I am trying to touch base with as many people as I can along the way. While I am a Tampa native, I went to college in Moorhead, MN and so many of my friends from school are scattered throughout the midwest.
Intense (over)planning for the trip will follow, but I am working to stick to one paradigm: stay off the interstate. I think it is important to specify “interstate” and not “highway” as I will need to use many highways along the route. But a highway need not be the same an the secluded, exit driven, driving-too-fast mess that is the intestate system.